The Google Site Speed Signal You Are Sending

That’s a mouthful and what does it have to do with Artificial Intelligence

Search Engine Optimization, generally known as “SEO” is an age-old tactic of trying to manipulate the Search Engines so that your website shows up before another when someone searches. Sounds boring, right?

It’s actually likely one of the most urgent any CEO faces today. What hidden signals and meta data is your organization sending?

In other words, how does your website and digital footprint index in the world of machine-driven algorithms?

Technologies like Siri and Google read these signals and index this data to re-present your brand and website to the world. They generally need clean, clear info and a good user experience.

Not sure where to start? Try checking how Google views your current website. Site usability and speed is a key signal you are sending that tells their computers how to rank and index you.

Additional Resource: Properly Tag Your Website with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to Send the Right Signals

Machine Learning has driven SEO for years. Above: Google's Page Rank Algorithm
Machine Learning has driven SEO for years. Above: Google’s Page Rank Algorithm