How to stream video over wi-fi with your Raspberry Pi

Streaming video via Linux! Great job.
Streaming video via Linux! Great job.

This is a general overview of how to get a camera streaming via Raspberry Pi:

1. Update Raspian

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Configure camera

sudo raspi-config

enable camera and exit

3. Configure Wi-fi

Note: first attempt to enable the wifi in via the desktop network management tool. If you don’t see the Raspberry Pi desktop upon startup run this from the command line. We are assuming you have purchased and installed a USB Wi-fi Dongle.


(You can open a terminal from the desktop or exit the desktop and go back to the command line.)

4. Streaming

raspivid -o video_title.h264 -t 6000

Have fun! Here is the full raspivid and raspistill documentation.