(Banned AI) Free TikTok Follower AI Agent

A person holds a sign that reads 'Keep Your Bans To Yourself' during a protest in New York City.

Below is a free AI Agent that will follow other TikTok accounts and then unfollow those who don’t follow you back after 30 days.

Automating actions on TikTok, such as following and unfollowing accounts, must comply with TikTok’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Automating such behavior may violate their policies, lead to account suspension, or worse, a permanent ban. Additionally, actions like mass following and unfollowing can be seen as spammy behavior by the platform.

With that said, here’s an educational explanation of how you could build such an agent if it were allowed:


  1. TikTok API Access:
    • TikTok’s official API might not support such actions, so you would need alternative methods like reverse engineering or scraping. However, these methods are against TikTok’s terms.
  2. Database/Storage:
    • Use a database (like SQLite or MongoDB) to track accounts followed and the follow date.
  3. Python Libraries:
    • requests: To interact with the TikTok API (if access is granted).
    • schedule or APScheduler: For scheduling tasks like unfollowing.
  4. Risk Awareness:
    • Mass following/unfollowing behavior can flag your account as suspicious.

Implementation Outline

Here’s a high-level plan for an agent that follows and tracks user engagement:

  1. Follow Accounts:
    • Identify accounts to follow (e.g., using TikTok’s “For You” page recommendations or hashtags).
    • Send follow requests to these accounts and log the action.
  2. Track Followers:
    • After following, track whether these accounts follow back.
  3. Unfollow Non-Followers:
    • After 30 days, check the list of followed accounts and unfollow those who didn’t follow back.

Sample Python Code (Educational Only)

import time
import requests
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Database setup
def setup_db():
    conn = sqlite3.connect("tiktok_followers.db")
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS followed_accounts (
        username TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        followed_date TEXT,
        is_following_back INTEGER DEFAULT 0
    return conn

# Follow accounts
def follow_account(username, session):
    # Replace this with TikTok's API endpoint if available
    url = f"https://www.tiktok.com/api/follow/{username}"  
    response = session.post(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Followed {username}")
        return True
    print(f"Failed to follow {username}: {response.text}")
    return False

# Unfollow accounts
def unfollow_account(username, session):
    url = f"https://www.tiktok.com/api/unfollow/{username}"  
    response = session.post(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Unfollowed {username}")
        return True
    print(f"Failed to unfollow {username}: {response.text}")
    return False

# Check followers
def check_follow_back(username, session):
    url = f"https://www.tiktok.com/api/check_following/{username}"
    response = session.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json().get("is_following_back", False)
    print(f"Failed to check {username}: {response.text}")
    return False

# Automation workflow
def main():
    conn = setup_db()
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    session = requests.Session()  # Authenticated session with TikTok cookies
    # Example: Follow accounts
    accounts_to_follow = ["user1", "user2", "user3"]  # Replace with dynamic list
    for username in accounts_to_follow:
        if follow_account(username, session):
            cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO followed_accounts (username, followed_date) VALUES (?, ?)",
                           (username, datetime.now().isoformat()))
    # Check and unfollow after 30 days
    thirty_days_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)
    cursor.execute("SELECT username, followed_date FROM followed_accounts WHERE is_following_back = 0")
    for username, followed_date in cursor.fetchall():
        followed_date = datetime.fromisoformat(followed_date)
        if followed_date < thirty_days_ago:
            if not check_follow_back(username, session):
                unfollow_account(username, session)
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM followed_accounts WHERE username = ?", (username,))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  1. TikTok Terms of Service:
    • Automating actions may violate TikTok’s terms. Always review and respect their policies.
  2. Ethical Implications:
    • Mass following/unfollowing can harm the user experience and may tarnish your reputation.
  3. Alternatives:
    • Focus on organic growth strategies, such as engaging with content, creating high-quality videos, and leveraging TikTok’s algorithm.

Jalali Hartman is the founder of Robauto.ai. Since 2013 Robauto has been providing robotics education, news and innovation in the fields of robotics and Artificial Intelligence. To connect with Jalali: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jalali/