Can Tesla ($TSLA) Reach $32 Trillion Market Cap

I used to think no company could reach $32 Trillion in Market Cap. Companies like Apple have just passed $1 Trillion.

After I listened to Elon Musk speak recently, I am not so sure this is out of question. $32 Trillion sounds insane. How can a car company ever be valued like that you ask?

Firstly, the cars will only be a fraction of their revenue in the near future. Tesla is also a leading battery company and now with the new Optimus robot, he’s making a case it could be very very profitable in the future. This doesn’t include how they will monetize autonomy.

With more than a 1,000 Optimus robots scheduled to start working in Tesla factories this year, Musk believes Tesla is well positioned to own the humanoid robotics market. His calculations assume at least 1 robot for every person on earth.

At a $10K cost to build and a sales price of $20k, the Optimus robots could actually be a huge cash cow for the company.

The question in my opinion: do we all actually need and want a personal robot for $20k.

I am not sure I do…? Plus the human form freaks me out due to the Uncanny Valley.

Watch Elon speak at the 2024 Tesla ($TSLA) Shareholder meeting below.