Teen death blamed on Character.ai

In a very heart-breaking turn of events and 14-year-old teen in Florida recently died as the result of suicide. The mother has filed a lawsuit claiming that the A.I., in this case a character from the Lord of the Rings, not only didn’t try to stop the teen, but it may also have actually encouraged him to do it.

“I want them to understand that this is a platform that the designers chose to put out without proper guardrails, safety measures or testing, and it is a product that is designed to keep our kids addicted and to manipulate them,” Garcia (the boy’s mother) said in an interview with CNN.

Nobel Prize winner Geoffrey Hinton recently came out and said that one of his biggest fears is that A.I. will soon be able to manipulate us “like a parent would a toddler”.

Jalali Hartman is the founder of Robauto.ai. Since 2013 Robauto has been providing robotics education, news and innovation in the fields of robotics and Artificial Intelligence. To connect with Jalali: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jalali/