I keep waking up to headlines that like “Experts Warn A.I. Will Cause Extinction”.
It seems a little far fetched right? How can computer code take over human civilization.
Will robot armies eventually form to enslave us?
Technically, sure it’s possible. Lots of killer robots exist now and they definitely could go haywire. As someone who’s been working in robotics and A.I. for more than 20 years, I am not afraid.
It won’t be anytime soon that A.I. causes us to extinct.
What is already doing, however is this:
1. Impacting advertising. Those with understanding and the right tools have a significant advantage over those who don’t.
2. Driving financial markets. Real traders are using bots and machine learning. The average person has no chance to compete.
3. News. Fake news is real. And A.I. helps target, retarget and sway public opinion all the time. Watch it in action during the 2024 Presidential Election.
So no, A.I. won’t cause extinction. But it did cause you to see this article. And the money we make from you reading it will auto-purchase and auto-sell assets autonomously.
So in a way, it’s already causing something much more disruptive than extinction. It’s causing subtle changes in how we learn, earn and think and it will soon be hard to differentiate or compete with autonomous systems.
Stay tuned.
P.S. We probably made less than $0.001 when you read this.